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Legal aid mainly means providing free legal aid services for free to the needy or the poor section of the society. These are those people who are not capable to afford a legal representative for them who can fight a case for them. So the government has brought out the service of free legal aid to the needy people. There are certain objectives of the government to establish a system of the free legal system. And the Right to Free Legal Aid is also mentioned under Article 39A of the Constitution of India.

Objectives are mentioned below: –

Right to Legal Aid in India

Free legal aid services have been set up to provide legal advice to the poor and the needy people. In India, there are a lot of poor people who are not able to earn their two times meal also. So for them, it is very difficult to afford an advocate for their case. So free legal aid is necessary for those people as it is written in our Indian constitution under Article 14 that all the people are equal to the justice should also be provided to all the person whether he is rich or poor. So free legal aid is given so that the poor who are not able to fight a case against a powerful or a rich person can also get justice


This means that the poor and the weaker section should also get the legal representative as they are also the citizen of India and it is our fundamental right to equality under Article 14 of the Constitution of India. So whether a person is rich or a poor he has the right to have a legal representative so that they can also get free legal aid from the government. It is written under Article 39A of the Constitution of India “Free legal aid to all the citizen of India


This means that all the citizens of India should be aware of the basic rights ie, the fundamental rights which are provided to all the citizens of India so that they can exercise those powers in the court. These rights are also enforceable by the court of law.

Right to free legal aid has also become part of the fundamental rights. So the fundamental rights should be taught to the youth of our country who are the future of our country the legal rights so that no one can take advantage of it whether rich or poor.

All the citizens have the right to equality and equality before the law which is mentions=ed under article 14 of our Indian constitution.