Reading Time: 2 minutes

Welcome back to English for Lawyers, brought to you in collaboration with the Legal Writing Institute (LWI) and the India Justice Foundation (IJF).

Today, we delve into the cornerstone of legal practice: effective legal writing and drafting.

Precision is Key:

The ability to write clearly, concisely, and persuasively is essential for any lawyer. Here are five key aspects to focus on to improve your legal writing and drafting skills:

  1. Know Your Audience: Legal documents serve different purposes and have different audiences. Tailor your writing style to the judge, opposing counsel, or client you’re addressing.
  2. Clarity and Concision: Avoid legalese and jargon. Use clear and concise language to ensure your arguments are easily understood.
  3. Active Voice and Strong Verbs: Active voice construction makes your writing more impactful. Use strong verbs to convey the intended meaning precisely.
  4. Organization and Structure: Structure your documents logically, using headings, subheadings, and bullet points for improved readability.
  5. Proofreading and Editing: Always proofread your work meticulously. Typos and grammatical errors can undermine your credibility.

Bonus Tip:

Read legal documents written by experienced lawyers. Analyze their structure, language choices, and arguments. This will give you valuable insights and improve your own drafting skills.


  • Effective legal writing requires practice and dedication.
  • There are numerous resources available to help you hone these skills.
  • Never stop learning and refining your legal writing abilities.

Stay tuned! We’ll continue to explore essential legal communication concepts in the coming days.

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